Tuesday, June 29, 2010


As of late, I've been painting.
It happened rather spontaneously, which I'm fine with.
It's helped me broaden what I can do for the portfolio
I plan to submit to SAIC.

Oh god, SAIC. how beautiful you are.
I can't tell you how badly I want to go to you.
And spend the rest of my life on art.

Friday, June 18, 2010


I am at a loss for words for my life.
Everything is so beautiful.
My life seems to be meshing together perfectly.
I've found the perfect balance between my Celtic
and Norse callings. I've found the perfect lady
who puts up with my constant douchebaggery.
somedays my art lacks and my writing flusters.
somedays the wind blows encouraging gusts and
somedays the heat makes it almost too much.
somedays when the moon hangs low, I feel content
somedays, practically everyday I see something
resembling Washington; be it a washingtonstate plate,
a street name, a bracelet at Saver's.

/I should be reading right now, my "mysticism" books
as Soccerboy Kellan would say. Well to you, sir, I say
this [vuvuzela horn]

I don't know if I've ever felt more content and alive in a long time (: